CREEPY HAUNTED GAMING: A Nightmare On Lavender Town

It was a nice, sunny day in Lavender Town, as Mutahar was driving home from the mall. While driving, he saw the sky getting darker and darker. Mutahar continued driving towards his house until it began to rain. But instead of rain, it was blood from the sky. But it wasn't regular blood, no, it was 


Scared out of his mind, Mutahar began driving faster. All the Sudden, Jerk Da Pedo appeared in the backseat. ''"Shh. Go To Sleep''." Mutahar began screaming. He jumped out of his car. The car then hits the Tails Doll, blowing the car up. Mutahar began running towards his house. When he got there, however, he saw


Bandicoot, standing at his door. He had black holes for eyes, and blood red tears pouring from said eyes. He began speaking in an unknown foreign language. "''Aurora Mortuis Per." ''Scared even more, Mutahar began running towards his local Burger King, where an Evil Red Apple began laughing evily. Grossed out, he stepped on it. "''You Shouldn't Have Done That''." 
Just then, the Happy Mask Salesman appeared in front of him, and began shaking Mutahar angerly, asking for his missing mask back. Mutahar managed to escape, and threw a rock at him. It then hit Mutahar. "''Mullet'' ''Mike! I knew that asshole shouldn't have bought that Atari 5200 at Bootman Bill's House. Everyone knows that systems at the bargain price of $666 Dollars is never a good thing." ''Mutahar began running to Mike's house. While running, he saw some very strange things. He saw strange things from Mickey Mouse walking depressingly, to Princess Luna getting chased by SONIC.EXE. He also saw Squidward trying to kill himself while SpongeBob sat there, laughing. But by far the scariest thing Mutahar saw was Mario, 

''Eating Lasagna.'' He stopped and looked at the horrific site. "''Well that's awkward'."''

After that, Mutahar began running again. He made it to Mullet Mike's house and knocked on his door forcefully. Mike opened the door. "''Mutahar, buddy How are you do-". ''Before Mike could finish, Mutahar slapped him across the cheek, and then grabbed his collar. "''Mike! Where's that damn Atari 5200?!" ''Before Mike could answer, Mutahar turned around. He heard heavy breathing. To his horror, he saw SONIC.EXE, covered in blood, and wearing Luna's armor, which was also covered in blood. "

''I AM GOD!" ''

Screamed SONIC.EXE. Mutahar then decked Sonic in the face. Sonic fell to the floor, and quickly shut and locked Mike's front door. "''Mike. You need to listen to me. That Atari 5200 is causing bad shit to happen everywhere. We need to destroy it!" ''Mutahar said frantically. "''I tried burning the damn thing, but it just wouldn't die. What do we do?" ''Mike asked, knowing that this whole thing was his fault, and feels regretful. Mutahar ran towards Mike's room. When he got there, it looked like a nightmare. Blood and Gore oozing from the Atari 5200. Mutahar grabbed a wooden cross from Mike's dresser'' ''and chucked it at the 5200. No effect.
Mike then ran towards his bookshelf and pulled a book out. Mutahar was curious. "''Mike, what are you doing?" ''Mutahar asked. "''Very simple. I'm going to send this abomination back to hell where it belongs... With 


" ''Mike showed Mutahar the Necronomicon. Mutahar looked at Mike angerly. "''It's the Book Of The Dead Edition of Evil Dead II. It won't do Jack Shit!" ''Mutahar said. Mike ran back towards his room, and began chanting from the Necronomicon. Just then, Jerk stabbed Mike in the shoulder. Mutahar was shocked, he thought he saw Jerk burn away and blow up. Without even thinking, Mutahar ran towards Jerk and pushed him into the Atari 5200. Tentacles grabbed Jerk as he violently tried to kill both Mike and Mutahar. Mike continued his chanting. After 20 minutes, the Atari 5200 gets sucked up by a portal, and, along with Jerk, got dragged to hell.
Mutahar ran towards the portal. "


" ''He screamed''. ''A tentacle reached up and began dragging Mutahar to hell.
All the suddeen, Mutahar jumped out of bed. He looked at his clock. It was 6:28 A.M. Mutahar got out of bed. "''That's it, no more scary stories before bed." ''Mutahar walked to the bathroom. he began brushing his teeth. As he did so, he saw a shadow creeping behind him. Mutahar turned around and saw nothing. As he looked back into his mirror however, he saw The Midnight Man, staring at his soul, killing him instantly! He then posted this horrible event on to YouTube.

''THE END!''